Harrison township mi zip code
Harrison township mi zip code

harrison township mi zip code

According to the 2020 ACS numbers below, that defines middle class household incomes between $42,896 and $129,988. One simple method that is based on income defines the middle class as earning between 2/3 to 2 times the median US income.

harrison township mi zip code

The same can be said for home values, which range between $197,900 and $270,000 in the wealthiest census tracts, but average $190,200 for the whole Township. (ACS census data from SEMCOG) These wealthy areas raise the median income for the entire township to a level higher than the state and national average. In Harrison Township, the median income in census tract areas along the Clinton river and along the shores of lake st clair are between $87,710 and $96,125.

harrison township mi zip code

While some measures of wealth can be difficult to track at the Township level, income and home values are meaures we can view.

Harrison township mi zip code